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The International Student Blog

Planning for Spring Break

Posted on January 25th, 2014 by Bryanna Davis

International students dedicate themselves to intense studying year round, but at some point they need a break from the academic rigors of their courses. Luckily students get one to two weeks each spring semester to take a nice relaxing break away from their classes. Some students decide to go home, and others plan getaway vacations. It’s never too early to start preparing for this break! Here are a few ideas to help international students have a great spring break.

Going Home

Many international students in the US use the spring break week to travel home and see their family. Being far away from home can take a toll on students, and it’s always great to see loved ones. Many international students do not get a lot of chances to see their family during the school year since there is not often a big chunk of time they can commit to travel home. Spring break allows a week of relaxation and family time for students to get a head clear and catch up with their friends and family.

Take a Vacation

One of the more popular spring break ideas is taking a vacation. Many students head out with their close friends and take a week long vacation all over the country- typically through a road trip. Popular spots include beaches throughout Florida,  Las Vegas, and the Bahamas. Most of the hotspots have students from all over the country travel there which makes for a fun and memorable time. These cities also host tons of events like concerts and festivals. Restaurants and bars are packed and there are many great deals. Another great vacation idea is taking a cruise. Cruises last multiple days and can take international students to many different ports. Planning for spring break early can help you get a better deal than waiting until the last minute! Students should check out travel deals as soon as possible and get their trip booked.

Stay at School

Another popular option for international students is doing nothing at all! Many students choose to relax by staying at their apartment or dorm (if it’s still open during break) and playing video games, catching up on their favorite shows, or going to the beach and park with friends. This is a great option for students on a budget who just want to relax a bit before they have to get back to their studies.

International students who want to take a trip should start looking as soon as possible. This will not only allow them to get the best deal, but to have something to look forward to during finals!

Written by Bryanna Davis

Bryanna joined EIC in 2011 after returning to the United States from teaching English in China. Her interest in international education, sparked initially by her own study abroad experience in Wales, led her to the company. Bryanna is originally from Missouri and is a graduate from the University of Central Missouri.

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