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The International Student Blog

Finding a Video Game Development Job

Posted on December 27th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

The decision to study video game development in the United States continues to rise in popularity amongst international students. It is increasingly the case that those who enjoy playing video games turn their passion for this hobby into motivation for a successful career in video game development. However, many international students graduating with video game […]

Visit Chicago

Posted on December 25th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

Chicago is a great city. Not only is it a place that is full of history and things to do, but it is also home to the world-famous University of Chicago, one of the top five schools for economics in the world. The first time I took a trip to Chicago was to see a […]

Why Study in Mississippi?

Posted on December 20th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

I’m sure when you think of studying in the US, Mississippi probably isn’t the first place to come to mind. You might think of New York, California, or Massachusetts, all of which are great places to study. But attending a StudyMississippi school offers many opportunities that you can’t find elsewhere. Mississippi is an affordable place […]

Why Study Psychology

Posted on December 18th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

Students who study psychology find that as time passes they are able to understand more and more of the complex mental processes behind human emotions and actions. Those who ask themselves, “why study psychology,” will see that studying psychology has career benefits and also offers various concepts which are applicable in day to day life. […]

Working as an Economist

Posted on December 13th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

Are you good with numbers? Can you apply abstract theory to real-life situations? Do you like to make lots of money? If so, you should consider working as an economist. One of the many worthwhile jobs in economics, economists usually work in an office, where they use computer programs to analyze vast amounts of data […]

What’s Next After a B.A. in Philosophy

Posted on December 11th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

In a world of growing professionalism, many philosophy students are discovering that a bachelor’s degree is insufficient for finding work in their field of interest and so they wonder, “What’s next after a B.A. in philosophy?” As a result, more students are returning to school in order to acquire graduate degrees. Those with a bachelor’s […]

Top 10 schools in the US that give the most financial aid to International Students

Posted on December 10th, 2012 by Apinant Hoontrakul

For many international students, cost is a major factor when deciding where to study in the US. While there are many financial aid options available from many different organizations to international students, it may not be enough to fully cover the cost of tuition and living expense. International students must rely on other sources of […]

Cost of a Performing Arts Education

Posted on December 6th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

Performance arts colleges in the US “much like the performance artists themselves“ vary in terms of both price and quality. However, a performing arts education does not have to be as expensive as you might think. Both the location of the school and residency qualifications can have dramatic impact on the cost of tuition in […]

International Students in the US Increased

Posted on December 4th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

Each year since 1919 the Open Doors Report on international educational exchange has been updated and published by the Institute of International Education (IIE). IIE, with the assistance of the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, survey 30,000 accredited US institutions to compile data showing international student and study abroad trends […]

Choosing the Right School for Recording Arts

Posted on December 4th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

After you’ve done your preliminary search for recording arts programs in the US, the next step is to figure out which schools to apply to. There are several important things to consider when choosing the right school for recording arts, but some thing are more variable than others. This list provides some general tips for […]

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