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The International Student Blog

Why Do You Love Your School? Tell Us Why Until Valentine’s Day!

Posted on January 31st, 2017 by Connor Smith

With Valentine’s Day coming up we have one question for you…”Why do you love your school?”

Tell us why until Valentine’s Day! We want to hear from you about why you love your school! Up until Valentine’s Day on February 14th we want to hear on our Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus pages why you love your school!

You may be wondering where did our modern Valentine’s Day come from? and how popular could it be?

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of happiness and love whether it be for spouses, or friends and family. The Valentine’s Day we know and love today, got its roots from 19th century England where the exchanging of handwritten cards decorated with real lace and ribbons were mailed all over the country to loved ones near and far. This practice soon followed over to the U.S. with the invention of paper lace and a growing popularity for the holiday.

Times have changed though and Valentine’s Day has gone from somewhere between 400,000 cards a year being sent in the 1850s to millions of cards, gifts, candies, jewelry and other gifts being sent around the globe! It is now a multi billion dollar industry and growing in countries all around the world.

Many countries have adapted their own unique way of celebrating Valentine’s Day and are adapting it to become a part of a changing globalized culture. No matter how you celebrate, make sure you share with us what college or university you love!

Be sure to use the #ISloveyourschool when creating your post!

Written by Connor Smith

Connor joined the Marketing and Advertising team in late 2016 as our Marketing Intern. He is originally from Jupiter, Florida and a recent graduate of the University of North Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Communication and Advertising. He has also had the opportunity to travel throughout Europe, China, Australia and New Zealand which prompted him to get involved with marketing here at Envisage.

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