The International Student Blog
Everyone Seems to Love Small Businesses, But What is a Small Business?
Posted on January 29th, 2016 by Jenny FrankelIf you’ve ever paid attention to American politics, one phrase that gets batted around constantly is “small business.” Small business are praised as the foundation of the country, lauded as pinnacles of the American dream, and used as political leverage in a variety of contentious issues. But what is a small business? Is small business […]
The Importance of Cross Cultural Awareness in Business
Posted on July 20th, 2015 by Jenny FrankelImagine you are part of an advertising campaign for the toothpaste brand Pepsodent. You want to sell your product in a town in Southeast Asia by drawing attention to the whitening aspect of the paste. Later you and your campaign team find out that the local natives chew betel nuts to blacken their teeth. Your […]