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The International Student Blog

Practical Scholarship Advice!

Posted on March 9th, 2006 by admin

Probably the most asked question we get is:

“How can I get a scholarships?”
“Can you get me a scholarships?”
“I want financial aid, can you help?”

The answer to all these questions is very simple, we can help but not without you doing some work also! The way we can help is to put you in touch and provide you access to programs that offer financial aid.

For example – if you are looking for a loan, we have developed a loan product for international students. It does require a cosigner (which is up to you to find) and the main reason for this is that the loan guarantor in the USA needs someone to secure the loan to and a US Citizen or permanent resident has more ties to the USA than a student from another country!

Secondly, we have developed the database which now has a basic and premium search option. Both are free, however you can search the basic database right away and then register compared to the premium search which makes you register first! Both are great ways to find awards for international students.

The best way to find funding is to get online and use the resources we have developed!

2 Responses to “Practical Scholarship Advice!”

  1. StudentloanNetworker Says:

    Yes, but can you get scholarships by Podcast?

  2. Kayla Says:

    I need some help and I am trying all the blogs I can .. I am around 50,000$ in debt with my student loans and I need to study further, Who should I ask to write my letter of recommendation?

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