5 Ways to Make a Date Great
Posted on April 26th, 2019 by Phu Nguyen
Part of adapting to a new country and school will be the social aspects like dating. Having a romantic interest can be exciting, but what’s it like to go on a first date in the US? Truth be told, it’s not likely to be vastly different from dating in any other country, but there are universal ways in which you can tell whether a date is going well. A good date is going to have good conversation, laughter, and fun.
These 5 tips can help make sure your date is an enjoyable one:
- Use proper etiquette: Be punctual. Being considerate of another person’s time is the first sign of respect you can show. When dining, chew with a closed mouth, and elbows stay off the table. Saying please and thank you to your date when appropriate and especially to the waitstaff goes a long way.
- Be inquisitive: Ask questions. Let your date know you want to get to know who they are, their likes and dislikes, and where they’re from. Not everyone is an extrovert willing to provide this information without solicitation, so be ready to ask them about themselves.
- Listen: If you’re going to ask, listen. People appreciate being heard, and it’s flattering to know that you paid attention to the answers and stories your questions provoked. Being a good listener is something any good college should be able to do, so it should be easy to apply this skill on dates!
- Don’t bring up politics or religion: Both of these subjects are hot button topics that many people will be passionate about. While discussing it may provide some insight on the kind of person you’re on a date with, it can also lead to some bickering and resentment if you aren’t on the same side of the fence. It’s always best to keep things light and avoid discussing subjects that could offend someone.
- Compliment your date: Your date will have made efforts in how they look and what they wore. They also could be nervous. Breaking the ice with some compliments could make all the difference in putting them at ease. And who doesn’t like to hear a kind word about themselves?

Being polite, kind, and attentive are traits people will appreciate all over the world. Applying all these things when spending time with a new friend or love interest (depending on how the date goes) will help you put your best foot forward. Among these things, be sure to relax, and be yourself. That’s the best way to let someone get to know who you are while you get to know them as well. Lastly, have a good time and smile often!