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The International Student Blog

Student Video Contest 2012 Tips for Success

Posted on September 29th, 2012 by Apinant Hoontrakul

We launched the seventh annual Travel Video Contest earlier this month and already there is a lot of buzz.  This year’s  first place winner will receive $4,000, and there are great runner-up prizes as well. So how can you enter our Travel Video Contest in 2012? Here’s how: – Be at least 18 years […]

What is StudyMississippi?

Posted on September 27th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

If you are an international student interested in studying in Mississippi, you may be curious as to what is StudyMississippi. From Blue Mountain College in the north to the University of Southern Mississippi in the south, the StudyMississippi consortium of school covers the geographical and educational spectrum of the great state of Mississippi. This collection […]

Influential US News Sites

Posted on September 25th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

Before you embark on your journey to the United States as an international student studying broadcast journalism, there are some key news sites you should consider reading, listening and watching. Being up-to-date with the news will not only help you as a broadcast student, but will also aid you in creating and contributing to conversations […]

London Metropolitan Police – International Students

Posted on September 19th, 2012 by Annemarie Keller

Some international students studying and living in the United Kingdom are required to register their stay with the local police. If you’re required to register, this will be written in your passport and you’ll need to register within seven days of your arrival in the United Kingdom. The Overseas Visitor Records Office – Metropolitan Police […]

What is it that US Philosophy Courses Do

Posted on September 18th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

For many people, philosophy is a mysterious term that calls to mind sages on mountains and whimsical mental meandering, and so they wonder, “What is it that US philosophy courses do?” The fact is that most people in the US have no idea what it is that philosophers do until they take their first philosophy […]

Study Dance at SUNY Brockport

Posted on September 13th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

International students considering coming to the US to study dance should consider SUNY Brockport for their studies. The College at Brockport is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of dance. SUNY Brockport offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in dance, as well as a variety of dance ensembles and opportunities to […]

What International Students Should Expect from a Philosophy Graduate Degree

Posted on September 11th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

International students may wonder if they will be welcome in philosophy graduate programs in the US. Often, philosophy is deemed as difficult and unapproachable, because of this, international students may be concerned that philosophy departments in the US are exclusionary. This is generally not the case. What international students should expect from a philosophy graduate […]

Five Career Benefits of Going Abroad

Posted on September 6th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

We are happy to feature another blog as part of a series on study abroad. This week, we discuss the five career benefits of going abroad and how it can give you an edge in the job market. With the economy fluctuating across the globe, some recent grads are panicking due to their inability […]

Malaysia tightens student visa requirements

Posted on September 5th, 2012 by Annemarie Keller

Malaysia is one of Asia’s fastest growing education hubs and international students wanting to pursue higher education will soon face stricter requirements. The Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) has been monitoring the intake of international students to help reduce the possibility of students working illegally or engaging in criminal activity. Under the new system, international […]

Student Debt

Posted on September 4th, 2012 by Jenny Frankel

No one likes debt, especially student debt, and these days more and more students are graduating with it. To make matters worse, jobs have become scarce these last few years. The combination of these two things has inspired a student organization known as FixUC to look for creative new ways to restructure how students pay […]

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