Cleanliness in College
Posted on October 12th, 2013 by Bryanna DavisNow that you are an independent international student living on your own, away from your parents for the first time, there may be a few things you need to know for living by yourself. Keeping your living space clean is very important and can be bad for your health if it is neglected. Not to mention, if you have a tidy roommate then a messy space is sure to run them off.
Keep a Clean Room
With a busy student schedule it is easy to let your apartment or dormitory get neglected, making cleanliness in college difficult. Things can get dirty fast, and without that little nudge from a parent, a lack of motivation can keep it that way. Students should always take the time to clean up after themselves, not only to make sure their living conditions are as healthy as possible for yourself, but your roommate as well. One key item that can keep a room looking and smelling fresh: if you keep up with your laundry! Nothing smells worse than old gym socks in a clothes hamper. Without trying to sound like your mother- remember to take out your trash, do your dishes, make your bed and have all of your school books readily available. You do not want to lose your homework or school books and end up late to class…or be the messy roommate.
Chore Wheel
When you have more than one person living in apartment or dormitory things can go bad fast when it comes to cleanliness. Multiple dirty dishes, empty food containers and trash can contribute to the dirtiness of an apartment or dorm. Roommates should be on the same page when it comes to cleanliness in college. To make sure things get done and the tasks are evenly distributed, create a chore wheel or schedule that designates whose turn it is to do a certain chore like clean the bathroom, wash the dishes, or vacuum the living room.